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Massage Stones


Ayurvedic Massage & Bodywork

Tauranga • Mount Maunganui

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Ancient Architecture

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is the traditional healing system of India which dates back over 5000 years. Ayurveda means "The Knowledge of Life" and is a holistic and comprehensive approach to health and wellness. Ayurvedic medicine and philosophy seeks to balance body, mind and spirit through various lifestyle practices, herbal medicines & therapies. 

In Ayurveda, the individual is treated based on their Dosha which means their mind body constitution. The three Doshas are; Vata (air and space) Pitta (fire and water)  Kapha (earth and water). Each one is ruled by elemental energies and qualities. When we fall out of balance we experience illness and disharmony due to external or internal disturbances and excesses of these qualities. Ayurveda strives to bring us back in alignment with our unique ratio of elemental energies, promoting health, longevity and vitality. 

About me




Kayliah Mckinnon

021-159-2497   |

721 Cameron Road, Tauranga  3112

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